Books are Enough

The Power of Free, Self-Selected Reading

Florida GOP Advances Bill to Destroy Pensions

SB84 – the pension killing bill introduced by the Florida GOP- was voted out of the Appropriations Committee today with all Republicans supporting and all Democrats opposing. This bill- as I mentioned yesterday in my post- will shut down the pension plan to new hires in 2022 and force them into a risky 401K program.

During the hearing, Democrats like Senator Farmer from Broward pointed out that there was no study to show what would happen – in the long term- to benefits of current and future retirees. Republicans – with Chair Kelli Stargel leading the way- misled the public by saying the bill would not do anything to those already in the system. This is a sinister and manifest falsehood.

While it is true that those already in the system can keep the pension plan- there is no evidence that retirees will not see benefits reduced in the future. Why? The study the GOP paid for ignored the issue. When Senator Farmer offered an amendment to require a study- the ghost of Jeb Bush rose up and Republicans voted against it.

Special Class members are excluded so it is teachers who are going to be affected by this.

What was impressive was that several speakers opposing the bill identified as Republican or Independent teachers. These citizens should scare Governor DeSantis as he seeks a second term in 2022.

The entire meeting can be viewed here (Start 2 hours and 53 minutes into the meeting) The meeting is well worth your viewing. This writer supported DeSantis in 2018 but if he signs this bill this writer will work to defeat him in 2022.

If this bill becomes law- educational professionals are in trouble.

Florida Governor DeSantis Should be Defeated in 2022 if…

The Republican controlled legislature is trying to push another bill through that insults teachers and threatens the entire public education system. What fiends would propose such a law? What is this bill?

SB84 closes down the Florida pension plan to new hires starting in 2022. There is an exemption for law enforcement and firefighters so the intent is clear.

Ron DeSantis claimed 2020 was “the year of the teacher.” He boasted he wanted to continue that in 2021. Instead- he is trying to bury teachers. This will eventually affect those already retired. Republicans want to force teachers into a risky 401k scheme subject to the whims of the economy.

There was supposedly a study done that shows this will save billions. A recent webcast by the FEA shows the problems with the study that even its authors admit. It’s on their website for all to hear.

The legislature has slowly strangled the pension plan over decades and now seeks to snuff it out. Security for hard working teachers is meaningless to the rabid Jeb Bush cult that still controls the legislature.

Governor DeSantis should be defeated in 2022 if he supports this ghoulish bill. Will any good Republicans stand up and stop this bill?

If you live in Florida, speak up! The “year of the teacher” is about to go from celebration to funeral.

Florida Testing Addiction and Data Mining

Last week Florida schools spent several hours forcing students to take the PSAT. As more and more colleges dump standardized testing ( See the FairTest website for list) states can’t break the addiction.

The most egregious part of this yearly ritual is the data mining. Students are signed up automatically and their information is given to the College Board. The College Board knows more about your child than the family doctor.

This cult will reconvene in March when students are forced to take the SAT. School districts are basically pimps for the College Board. It’s shameful.

Students should know they can opt out of this shady game and demand their information is kept private.

Did I mention the fact that students are more worried about food and family during this pandemic than a damn test designed to scapegoat schools and serve as hammers for politicians of both parties?

Stop Teaching the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Historical Amnesia- Volume Five

The lies we believe. The stories the media never tell. The villains we need.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is taught in every high school and college in America. It is hailed as a crowning achievement in civil rights. Liberal academics fawn over the role played by President Johnson.  But…

The first major civil rights bill passed since Reconstruction was crafted by the Eisenhower administration.

It passed despite attempts by Lyndon Johnson to kill it. Vice President Richard Nixon made a remarkable ruling from the chair to save it. Johnson and Democrats weakened the bill but the Civil Rights Department at DOJ was created.

The Civil Rights Act of 1957 should be taught in every school. MLK sent VP Nixon a personal thank you note.

Yes we should teach the Civil Rights Act of 1964- just not alone.

 For a riveting account of how Nixon beat Johnson to get the bill passed, read Irwin Gellman’s “The President and the Apprentice.”

Get your confirmation bias here! Step right up!

Media outlets know their viewership and will desperately try to give them the confirmation bias fix they crave. I have been informally documenting network media bias for a while and today I write…

Today on Meet the Press, NBC had a panel that was 3-1 against the President. This is normal. They sometimes do 4-0 against the President. In the last three years I have never seen 2-2 or a panel in favor of the President.

One panelist spoke 100% in favor of the President while the other three were 100% against him. Two of them were hawking a book against the President.

Regardless of your approval or disapproval of the President, should we not demand fairness?

Why do we allow media gaslighting? The answer is manifest. Many need that media acid. They need their fix. They need the confirmation bias fix.

Just a little pinprick
There’ll be no more, ah
But you may feel a little sick
Can you stand up?
I do believe it’s working, good
That’ll keep you going through the show
Come on it’s time to go

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb

– Gilmour/Waters “Comfortably Numb”

“The News Twisters”- How the Media Tried to Elect Hubert Humphrey in 1968

Pat Buchanan once quipped that the media pretends to fly the flag of neutrality while carrying contraband below. Today I would update that to say the contraband is now proudly displayed on deck.

In 1971, media critic Edith Efron wrote the seminal book on media bias. She documented the left wing bias that some pretended was fictional. This book is ignored today but should be required reading in all history, political science and journalism programs.

Why is it ignored? It documents an inconvenient narrative. It shows how the national media tried to steal the 1968 from Richard Nixon by gaslighting the nation.

Auditur et altera pars. (The other side shall be heard as well.)” – Seneca

This writer will give you a small morsel from the book. The detail is quite astounding and is a condemnation of the media.

Efron looked at the words spoken by network reporters and anchors for and against former Vice President Nixon on the three networks. All three were for Humphrey by the totals of 11-1, 65-1 and 67-1.

Yes- the networks were a fifth column.

“…it’s better in fact to be guilty of manslaughter than of fraud about what is fair and just.”
― Plato

Efron’s book is called “The News Twisters.” She wrote a follow-up book on how CBS tried to kill her book. It is called “How CBS Tried to Kill a Book.”



Nixon in Delaware: 1954

In May of 1954 the Brown v. Board of Education decision was announced.  Several prominent Democrats signed the Dixie Manifesto (including the 1952 Democratic VP  nominee- Mr. Sparkman).

This document was a pledge to stop school integration at all cost.

What was the VP of the US – Richard Nixon – doing?

In September of 1954 Nixon went to Wilmington, Delaware. White parents were protesting desegregation and simply refused to send their children to schools that were mixed race.  The Nixon family sent their daughters to integrated schools and the VP did not mince words when he said…

“There is no reason why Americans, regardless of race, creed or color, cannot be educated together.”

That day in 1954- Nixon became the heir to Lincoln. It was a theme he would often return to over the next twenty years.

I cannot think of any college in the universe that teaches this key civil rights moment. It would lead to Nixon blazing across the South in 1956- defending the NAACP and attacking segregation. It would lead to Nixon personally saving the Civil Rights Act of 1957- the first such legislation since Reconstruction. It would lead to Nixon’s peaceful desegregation of recalcitrant public schools in seven Southern states in 1970.

Delaware 1954 was where and when Nixon became a civil rights leader.


Palm Beach County Schools- It’s the Happiest Time of the Year!

As students return from Thanksgiving Break next week they will be welcomed back with…


Almost the entire month before Winter Holidays is devoted to mind-numbing and meaningless testing that will create tons of meaningless data that good teachers will ignore.

But without this testing, how can the district justify all of those data hucksters who walk around the DAC all day sipping coffee and chortling away at the snazzy cafeteria?

Instead of singing along with Andy Williams that “It’s the hap-happiest season of all!” students and teachers will probably relate more to…

Dean Martin and… ” I cannot remember, the worst December…”


Halloween in Harlem: Nixon Continues Civil Rights Campaign

On Halloween 1956, VP Richard Nixon gave a speech at the Hotel Theresa in Harlem. Nixon was campaigning for re-election and this was a fundraiser. The VP promoted the successes of the Eisenhower economic policy. The wildest applause of the night – according to Lewis Fineman who covered the event for the Columbia Daily Spectator – happened when the VP launched into a dramatic economic and moral defense of civil rights.

America can’t afford the cost of discrimination. -VP Richard Nixon

Nixon went on to explain that we lose the economic potential of millions and moral respect of allies when we continue segregationist practices.

A year later Nixon would save the first Civil Rights Act since Reconstruction by stopping LBJ from killing it.

As President twelve years later- Nixon would act morally and economically on segregation through school desegregation and Black capitalism. The Nixon goal of economic and educational equality for African Americans was a major part of every national campaign he ran.

Stream of Consciousness- Teacher Dilemma

Lots of books out there- read! No says the district. No says the school. Phonics workbooks please! Worksheets please! Computer programs please.  Yes you will. Subversive thoughts in my mind. No I do not -please. Darn! I forgot to give the diagnostic test you expect each week- please.

Books abound with characters good and evil. Excitement abounds with places to go in my mind. Students want to read. No. Phonics workbook please. B-A-T please.  Oh and if you sneeze- off with your head please. We have a test to prepare for. Throw down those books- please. Worksheets out please.  Skill-drill-kill please. NO. No I say. Please leave me alone to read.


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